This summer we are slowing things down - taking a time to things over. It does not mean we come to a stand-still, though.

Slowing things down

While the portfolio of Yireo has stayed the same over the years, a lot has happened on the background. Yireo used to be part of a Dutch company, but is now an independant company. MageBridge used to have tight bondings with the Netherlands, but is actually focussed more-and-more on the USA. Various Yireo extensions have been developed over the years, without ever asking how succesful one or another was.

Because of this, we felt it was time for a break. A break during which the work continues. A holiday on which to bring the laptop. Yireo has a responsibility towards users (both paying as well as non-paying). Support questions will therefor still be handled, emails will be answered. However, there might be a small delay in the answers. That's why we call this a "slow-down" and not a break.

Lead developer on a bicycle to Spain

So what's happening? First of all, our lead developer (and current owner of Yireo), Jisse Reitsma, has left home for a 7-week cycling trip towards Barcelona, Spain. A bicycle, trekking tent, cooking gear and a laptop - it's all that he needs for his trip.

Back home, Hans is still working on various template-patches. And in India, a (yet unnamed) Indian guy is slowly working his way into Yireo support. No full time jobs yet, but gradually growing.

What to consider?

While Yireo runs fine, it currently no longer has the backings of a larger company. While this sounds like a loss, this independance was actually won to have more flexibility and react more agile on the changing market. Some things need to be decided after this summer, for instance the strategies for popular extensions like SimpleLists and MageBridge. But also outsourcing of various tasks, a brand new site based on Joomla! 3.0 (and Bootstrap).

The summer slow-down will take place in June and July. In August, we will be slowly starting up. During this summer, we will not be picking up any custom work whatsoever - half August we will start to pick up requests again. At that time we will also start blogging about what to expect of Yireo in the next years.

Posted on June 12, 2012

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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