While Yireo speaks English, has some team-members all over the world, and is internationally oriented, I myself personally am still very Dutch. And therefor participating in the Dutch Jooma!Days 2013 is a natural thing. We are looking forward being there this weekend.

8th time

This is the eighth time that the Joomla!Days are taking place in the Netherlands (and the 6th time they are being organized by the Dutch Joomla! community itself). And every year is proving to be a greater success. Numerous volunteers help with organizing the event itself. During the event newbies, extension-developers and site-builders listen to interesting talks and join up to discuss new features of Joomla!. Simply a great event. And Dutch.

Yireo talks

I'm personally giving some presentations as well. No, nothing about Magento or even MageBridge, not even any other Yireo extension is being discussed (well, perhaps in a few slides). Instead, my talks are focussed on the community. There is one presentation on phpMyAdmin and MySQL - for real dummies. And there is a presentation on programming Joomla! plugins.


If you're there this weeked as well, come and meet me. I'm happy to hook up, exchange name-cards (the description business card does not match my personal cards, which don't mention email or phone) and have a beer. Maybe we can even have a word on Magento - but quietly then, as to not upset any of the Joomla! zealots :)

Posted on April 17, 2013

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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