We have released a brand new version of our ByAttribute 1.1.0 extension for Magento. With this new extension, the URLs of attribute pages have major improvements for SEO. Let's see what is new.

Improved SEO URLs

Previously, ByAttribute was able to create listings of products that had a specific product attribute set, for instance all products of the color green, or all products from the manufacturer Hewlett Packard. But these URLs looked kind of ugly because the original attribute value ID (for instance 23 in the example below) was used:


This is now changed by converting the attribute label to a URL-friendly string first and use that instead. Additionally, we just made the whole URL a lot shorted so that they are more eatable by robots:


Performance and more ease of use

Also ByAttribute adds some additional caching, enabled by default, through parameters in the block-classes. This improves performance dramatically on some sites and is definitely a huge gain. 

In the past, we already made some very useful improvements to ByAttribute, for instance the MagentoConnect based installer, and a widget to be used from all WYSIWYG editors. Adding the features of top-notch SEO URLs and block caching definitely makes ByAttribte complete. All features of ByAttribute are listed here.

Posted on February 14, 2014

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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