This years Joomla World Conference - JWC 2014 - will be held in Cancun, Mexico in early November. We are proud to be there and part of it - both as speaker and as sponsor. Let's see what will be happening.

Cancun, Mexico

Cancun is located on the peninsula of Yucatan (old Maya country) and is best known for its beaches and resorts. However, from November onwards, it will be better known for being a great place for nerd conferences. Sun, sea and coding. While previous Joomla global events were being held in the US and Europe, this is the first event in Latin America. Personally, I've never been in Mexico and what I know of the country is limited to actors like Danny Trejo and spicy food. I'm sure JWC will show me a completely different reality, and one that I will definitely like.

Yireo news

Currently, the new book I've been writing - Programming Joomla Plugins - is in its final stages - we are finalizing the design and layout of the book, while the main text writing and editing has been finished. The book will be ready for print at the end of October (this month) after which we will try to distribute books in as many places as we can, starting with the US and Europe. I really hope to bring along a couple of copies to JWC as well.

During the event I will also be speaking on developing Joomla plugins, so if you want see if the book is worth it or if you simply want to learn a bit more on Joomla plugin code, do make sure to meet up.

See you in Cancun!

Posted on October 2, 2014

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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