Whoosh, last weekend I enjoyed the Joomla World Conference 2015 in Bangalore and man, it was fun. Three days of Joomla technology, networking and party. Here is a recap of all this.

Social event

Any Joomla event deals with a bit of technology and bit of social: And here in India, the social part definitely was worth it. Every night there was a non-veg party (meaning: with beer), I met up with many international friends, but also with lots of new friends from India (J2Store, TechJoomla, to name a few).

There were many interesting talks - both technical and visional. The vision of Joomla was shared, Joomla 4 was discussed, there were bug squashing sessions. All in all very interesting for both the beginner and the advanced Joomla developer.

Yireo stuff

Personally, I gave a workshop on Joomla plugins, more or less similar to the one I gave at JAB15 - A Custom Plugin per Project - but actually with a second half that was completely different, focussing on mixins and traits instead. The workshop lasted for 3 hours and there were about 30 people attending, a fair lot. Afterwards, I had the pleasure to sign and sell my book, and take pictures with new friends.

The last Sunday I gave a second presentation on modern PHP constructs like exceptions, interfaces, closures and mixins. The cool thing for me was that at most conferences there would be only a smaller minority with knowledge of programming, but in this case there was a fair lot. There were even a couple that helpful to spot my mistake of swapping lambdas and closures. India rocks!

Indian sunrise

After the conference, I hooked up with Marco Dings (Virya), Soren Beck (ComponentCreator) and his girlfriend Lily to make a roadtrip van Bangalore to Goa. Man, that was worth it: We became friends with a highschool kid Adithya who wants to become a NASA engineer, we visited a big temple complex in Dharmastala and even had the honor to meet up with the swami himself. We experienced some more India (elephants, temples, traffic, delicious food, poverty) before settling in Patnem, Goa. The whole roadtrip was definitely worth it and it gave extra depth to the whole Joomla experience in India!

Next: Vancouver

The Joomla World Conference of 2016 will be held in quite a different setting: Vancouver, Canada. Yireo will be there as well as give away sponsor, and possibly give a couple talks. Hope to see you there!

Posted on November 13, 2015

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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