We are working hard to get the program out for the Magento 2 Seminar of October 21st. And even though the schedule is still unsure, we are definitely sure (and damn proud) about our first keynotes: Rafael Dohms and Ben Marks. Some info about these fine gentlemen.

Quick note on Magento 2 Seminar

On October 21st, we will organize a second Magento 2 Seminar - a day focussed only on Magento 2, helping you get the right knowledge, bringing you inside information (and hypothetically even a roadmap), sharing tips and tricks, and above all allowing you to shake hands with partners and friends in the community.

The Always Awake Bird discount ends on July 20th. So if you want to benefit from a solid discount, get your ticket now!

Meet Rafael Dohms

Rafael does not know everything about Magento 2, but he does know it is using all the good stuff that he loves: Composer, Dependency Injection, PSR standards. Coming from the PHP community, his talks bring along some nice ingredients to spice up the Magento 2. Rafael hosts the monthly PHP usergroup meeting AmsterdamPHP.

His keynote will be kind of oriented towards developers, but will contain enough enthousiasm to get non-techies thrilled as well. You can read his blogs on blog.doh.ms or follow him on twitter via @rdohms. Also make sure to checkout his GitHub repos, because there's some really useful things there.

Meet Ben Marks

Ben is a Magento evangelist, correction, THE Magento evangelist. He's one of the trainers for Magento University, travels the world to spread the word on Magento and is seen by many as "community manager" of Magento (even though he himself keeps stressing that a community can not be managed). Bens keynote will give insights on the upcoming Magento 2 versions and the overall strategy of Magento as well.

You can follow him on twitter via @benmarks or read his flames on bhmarks.com

More details on Magento 2 Seminar to come

  • Ben and Rafael will not be the only speakers. We are working together with some really exciting brands to make the program even better.
  • Read about the swag earlier? We do have swag. Not just #mugmugs but also some plush giveaways.
  • And don't forget: The Always Awake Bird discount ends on July 20th. Now is the time to get your ticket!

Stay tuned.

Posted on July 17, 2016

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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