On August 16th, the Magento User Group Den Bosch (Netherlands) is meeting up on security. Security has always been an important topic for developers, merchants and shop builders, so we can expect many interesting things to be mentioned during this meetup.

About the MUG meetup in Den Bosch

The MUG meetup was founded by Yireo early 2014 and is at this moment the longest-standing usergroup for Magento in The Netherlands - something we are proud of. 21 meetups since the start. In the heart of the old city of Den Bosch, the cafe and beer-brewery of Bar-Le-Duc are home to an active gathering of Magento users - being a mix of Magento users, developers, webdesigners, marketeers and newbies.

What makes the MUG Den Bosch special is that there is a lot of interaction: Attendees are not supposed to listen quietly to a speaker, instead discussions are searched for and everyone is encouraged to share his or her opinion. Most of the times, there is a talk, but a lot of times the really interesting stuff is brought forward during these discussions and story-sharings.

This meetup: Security

This meetup on August 16th will focus on security within Magento: What kind of basic measures are there to protect Magento? We will discuss passed attacks and vulnerabilities like HTTPoxy, magmi hacks and ShopLift and what we should do to protect against it. Also, Jonna Merks of Byte will also be on site for a short note on [M]ageReport](https://www.magereport.com/).

Sign up!

Are you Dutch? Are you using Magento? Then you should be part of a Magento User Group! Are you then living in the south of The Netherlands? Take the time to share your own experiences and learn from others as well. The MUG meetups are free - the only thing you have to do is sign up:


See you there!

Posted on August 8, 2016

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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