Next week, Friday October 21st 2016, we are putting together a seminar focussed on Magento 2. With people being so enthousiastic about it, with a line-up of speakers that is simply awesome and with an organization that costs us so much energy (sigh), it is perhaps good to write up a balance of why this seminar is different than others: What makes the Magento 2 Seminar unique?

First some details

First maybe some details: Yireo has its base in the Netherlands and this event of October 21st 2016 is organized in Utrecht (in the middle of the Netherlands) with the main language being Dutch, but quite a bit of English talks as well.

The event is being put together mainly by Yireo itself, with the help of Dutchento (the Dutch Magento community) and Magento itself: We expect to have 200-250 attendees, the program includes 19 speakers in total and things will be awesome.

But what makes it special?

1) Focussed on Magento 2 only

The main speciality lies in its title: The Magento 2 Seminar focusses solely on Magento 2, the new platform that came out in November 2015 and is completely different from its predecessor. Other Magento events focus on the wide range of Magento 1, Magento 2 plus its surroundings. This event is only about Magento 2.

2) A Yireo event

Yireo has organized a few events in the Netherlands before - usergroups, hackathons, some mini-conferences with up to 60 people - but the Magento 2 Seminar is huge. The first time we organized the seminar (January 22nd 2016) we reached 220 attendees. This time we expect to level that. And this is awesome if you realize Yireo is an internet company, with only few bindings to the Netherlands and a rather small team (6 people).

3) New keynotes, new talks

With every event, it is important to get new speakers and new keynotes in. However, we have seen quite a few Magento events where the same crowd pops up. We are not saying that the Magento 2 Seminar will not hold talks or speakers that have not been elsewhere. However, this is the first Magento event where Rafael Dohms (AmsterdamPHP) and Philipp Krenn (Elastic) give a keynote. And we take pride in that.

4) Majorly cool sponsors

We have majorly cool sponsors: Zend, Varnish and New Relic - three brands that helped build the Magento community as it is today, and will also help Magento 2 become the new wave that it is started to become. We again take extreme pride in having these sponsors help us putting together this event.

5) Real answers to hard questions

One of the things that people have been pondering on is at what time to migrate to Magento 2: Instead of adding merely a sales talk to this, the seminar focuses on the details and is not scared to give answers that do not benefit Magento. Magento 2 is new and migration costs money. However, running a shop in general costs money. And when running a shop, you are actually in the game of making money from that shop, so it is not a sales talk that will convince you, but a calculation instead.

Likewise the seminar will deal with things like the lack of a Magento roadmap, the uncertainty of the Entity Manager (for developers), the lack of Magento 2 extensions and other hard questions. Some straight answers will be given, for some other questions there is no straight answer. The major unique thing is that we are not scared of those questions. We focus on them!

Are you coming or what?

So, there's plenty of reason for this event to be something you want to attend to. So what are you waiting for? Get your own ticket before it is too late:

Posted on October 9, 2016

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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