
February 15, 2019

Less than 3 weeks to get to MageTestFest

Yireo Blog Post

The clock is ticking and MageTestFest is now less than 3 weeks away - March 7th 2019. Do you care about software quality? Are you testing already and want to enhance your skills? Or do you want to start and need some help to bite through to the tough beginning? MageTestFest is here to guide you. Do not miss out.

A developers must, when it comes to coding quality

Every Magento developer must grow. It starts with Hello World examples. It continues with more advanced concepts like Dependency Injection and working with backwards compatibility. It ends with guaranteeing on a Jedi level that your code does not break production sites. And one of the most reliable tools to get to this final point is testing.

Not everybody is convinced testing is the best way to achieve reliable code. There are always naysayers. However, everybody who has adopted testing will tell you the same thing: Testing pays off in the end and brings you guarantees and failsafes, so that bugs are detected in an early stage. True, it takes time to get used to it. But it is worth the investment.

MageTestFest brings you those skills

This is why MageTestFest is so important for Magento developers: It is not just a developer conference like many others. It is focused purely on testing as a means to lift up the abilities of developers to a new level. It is different, unique, recalcitrant.

MageTestFest 1 has helped (amongst other efforts) put a lot of things on the agenda that have now changed the Magento developer community: Quality of software has gone up. Tests have been added everymore (even more in the core, but also in 3rd party extensions and custom code). Talks on coding quality have kicked in big time (also together with initiatives like ExtDN. The time of testing is now.

Get your ticket now!

So no more delays. It is time to get your tickets now, before you are missing out on this great event: There will be admirable speakers, slick sponsors, a beautiful venue in a relaxed Florence - all set to make a great learning experience for anyone attending. And the clock is ticking: March 7th 2019 is just around the corner.

Is MTF happening next year? Can you postpone?

I have already heard often that people want to skip this years MageTestFest and attend next years instead. However, this assumes that you can miss out on this important event, hide in a shell and wait one year to increase software quality. Also, it assumes that there is going to be a new MageTestFest soon.


Is there going to be a MageTestFest version 3 next year 2020? I'm not sure. I'm actually quite sure it is not going to happen soon. There will definitely be a Reacticon 3 somewhere towards the end of this year or early next year. And that Reacticon will bump MageTestFest version 3 even further into the future. Do you really want to skip this event which is special, peculiar, unique, recalcitrant.

No? Then get your tickets now: Do not miss out on this!

Posted on February 15, 2019

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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