
November 24, 2019

Yireo goes Vue Storefront

Yireo Blog Post

It was a busy month, this November. Yireo has started with Vue Storefront. This resulted in a lot of studying, some trial-and-error playing, reading, writing, fighting against self-imposed deadlines - not just in November, but actually starting from the early summer. And we made it: Yireo is now officially offering Vue Storefront training. And we helped the first developers with our training, which appeared to be a success.

First training successes

It is always nerve wracking to dive into a new topic, studying hard and not knowing the outcome. Of course, what drives Yireo is passion for technology. And that does not fall outside of the sky, our passion is the same as many other developers - therefore, where our passion goes, a need for knowledge (like in a training) also grows.

And it seems all our investment in VSF is paying off: The first trainings were a success. We helped two agencies with their quest for conquering Vue Storefront. And we also organised the first classroom-based trainings on VueJS Fundamentals (Vue basics, AJAX calls) and Vue Storefront Fundamentals (architecture, setup, extensions, API) as well.

What's next?

And there is more. Yireo has now become an official training partner of Vue Storefront. And in that, we will be taking more steps together to promote Vue Storefront and help developers get the maximum out of the VSF stack. We are very excited about this.

Vue Storefront training in February/March 2020

We are having a break from the end of December to the end of January. But in February & March 2020, we are back with scheduled trainings on Vue and VSF: First, a VueJS Fundamentals training. Next, a Vue Storefront Fundamentals training. And then actually, a new Vue Storefront Advanced training for experienced VSF developers that want to tune the max out of SSR, ElasticSearch and performance in general.

... or on demand training

If the regular classroom-based trainings do not fit your schedule or if The Netherlands is a bit too far for you and your team, fear not: We regularly help agencies with in-house training. Just send us a ping via mail or twitter to get into details for that option.

Posted on November 24, 2019

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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