
May 7, 2020

A remote training on Magento PWA Studio (May 19th/20th)

Yireo Blog Post

On May 19th/20th (so in less than two weeks), our Magento PWA Studio training takes place - remotely, because of the current crisis - and you are welcome to join. If you are a developer and want to dive into Magento's its React frontend, this is the time.

PWA Studio on the rise

While Magento PWA Studio has been in development for quite some time, the latest releases have been especially promising (like version 6.0.1 which was released last week): They bring stability, add important features and enhance the developer experience. As for adoptation, PWA Studio is becoming more and more popular - not necessarily because competitors are on a decline (actually Vue Storefront and DEITY seem to be on a rise), but simply because Magento developers are fed up with the old Knockout frontend.

Time to get started with a fresh stack.

Diving into the PWA Studio stack

The stack of PWA Studio starts with Magento and its GraphQL API, but it also covers React hooks, Redux middleware, Apollo Client usage and all of its caching scenarios. Specifically for PWA Studio, there are also the mysterious UPWARD layer, Peregrine talons and the hugely misunderstood story of Venia.

All of this is thoroughly explained during an in-depth course Magento PWA Studio that takes place on Tuesday, May 19th and Wednesday, May 20th. Are you joining?

Answers to important questions

The training will give clear answers to important questions like: How to get started with PWA Studio? How to build a custom theme on top of Venia? How to extend upon the code base? How do Magento extensions fit in? Do you need to use UPWARD? And how to run Magento PWA Studio in production really?

A remote training session with Yireo

If you are joining this training, you will not be disappointed: The training is full of interesting talks, knowhow, tips and tricks. Fundament of the training is a Zoom session where teacher and students meet. But each student also gets realtime access to a Yireo Courseware Portal, where the slides can be found (using a slideshow or a plain document, including student notes) plus additional notes and links. Which is built in React.


Are you ready to plunge yourself into proper frontending with Magento 2? Check out the training details and when ready, sign up or contact us for more details.

Posted on May 7, 2020

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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