
August 7, 2020

Reacticon v3 online, v4 moved to 2021

Yireo Blog Post

Quite some time ago already - maybe about 4 months ago - we decided to postpone Reacticon v3 from June 2020 to October 2020 because of the Corona crisis. We are still in the same crisis and it might well get worse. So it should not come as a surprise when I tell you that - unfortunately - Reacticon will be postponed to June 20201. But that would not be entirely correct.

Reacticon v3 goes online ... modified

Because the importance of headless technologies is still high, it feels wrong to not do anything with it. The time is right to organize yet another Reacticon conference, except for the Corona crisis: Magento 1 is phased out, Magento 2.4 is out, PWA providers are releasing new versions, not only for Magento but for other e-commerce platforms as well.

Reacticon v1 and v2 were already there to inform Magento developers on the headless era. So we've decided to turn Reacticon v3 in an online event instead. But in a modified version. Obviously, no venue, but also no shirts, no in-person chit-chat, no MageFarce, no beer (or tea), no jungle (you'll still get that with Reacticon 4 though).

The online program of Reacticon v3

Instead, Reacticon will be online with a different setup: We'll run everything on a digital platform (which we will still need to decide upon), have talks by PWA gurus, record the whole thing. So the knowledge transfer will be there, but without the glitter and the glamour of a real conference. Did I mention already that because of the reduced costs the tickets are free?

We'll also separate the talks by topic in three separate days:

  • Tuesday, October 13th 2020: Vue with Vue Storefront 1, VSF Next, Shopware, Nuxt
  • Wednesday, October 14th 2020: React with Magento PWA Studio, DEITY, Next
  • Thursday, October 15th 2020: GraphQL with ... well GraphQL stuff

More details to follow

The website will need some tuning, which is yet to come. And the program will be settled for in the upcoming weeks. So stay tuned for more news on the v3 online version of Reacticon.

What about the zoo?

For the 2020 version of Reacticon, we already booked an exciting conference venue at a Dutch zoo: This will all still happen. From June 14th 2021 to June 18th 2021, we'll put together an exciting animal show with all of the community beasts and monkeys out there. At least, this is something to look for in 2021 already.

Hope to see you soon ... online!

Posted on August 7, 2020

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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