
November 28, 2020

"The Registry" - a podcast on Magento things

Yireo Blog Post

Already three episodes have been recorded and the fourth is coming up soon: Peter Jaap Blaakmeer of Elgentos and I seemed to be pulling it off with our podcast The Registry: At least two others are listening to what two Dutch guys have to say. And maybe this is for you too?

The Registry

The setup is simple: Peter Jaap and I, sitting down, to have a chat on Magento things: It doesn't deal with a Windows registry (we use MacOS and Linux) and it has little to do with the deprecated of the Magento Registry (who cares, it is still everywhere in the core). Useful extensions, technical updates, frustrations, revelations.

Three episodes, the fourth coming up

The first three episodes circled around topics like handy composer extensions, bits on online conferences, stopwords in my language (uhh) and the return question whether Peter Jaap upgraded to Magento 2.4 yet (and why not). The fourth episode is published this week and will involve Hyva with its creator Willem Wigman.


We plan to do many more podcasts, so stay tuned. Or even better, sign up via

Posted on November 28, 2020

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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