
October 12, 2023

Meet Magento NL 2023 and a hackathon

Yireo Blog Post

Meet Magento NL is approaching fast: On November 2nd, we - as a Magento community - are joining together in Amsterdam for a great day of content, mixing and fun. And the day before (November 1st), developers can unite with a hackathon.

The hackathon ... of before

We - Yireo - already tried to organize a hackathon before, early September, but because of circumstances (few signups, busy agenda, sickness) we decided to postpone that one. And now, we simply moved it towards the day before Meet Magento NL - November 1st.

The location will be the training center of Yireo in the city of Baarn: Free parking, nice surroundings, 1 minute walk from a train station (which again is a short ride from Amsterdam). It is not the slickness of Amsterdam, but for those in The Netherlands it is more accessible and for non-Dutchies, well, it is simply a chance to see a non-touristic town. (Note that Baarn houses the former royal palace Soestdijk.).

The stage is set ... for what?

Braining on topics

So what is going to happen? Well, during a hackathon, the topics can be brought up the attendees themselves. Nothing is forced, magic happens. However, when you are preparing for a hackathon, it is good to already put some thought into what you personally would like to work on.

For instance, I have been working lately myself on the Hyvä Checkout which is based on MageWire, so I am keen to see if we can fit MageWire into the Magento Admin Panel. Likewise, Ruud & Sean are joining to work on a WYSIWYG editor replacement. Michiel without doubt will work on pipelines. And Ivan might be working on his new indexer.

More importantly, a hackathon is a social event, which means that it would be fun to work together on a topic. This could simply be you watching along with somebody else (a learning experience), or doing pair programming, or using something like JetBrains Code-With-Me to actively pick up on tasks simultaneously.

Why attend?

Attending a hackathon is therefore more than just typing code. It is fun, it is nice to hang around with other developers than just your collegues. On top of this, whenever you put a bunch of developers in a room, the topic switches to some kind of developer topic soon enough. And this brings along techncial discussions which are also helpful to everyone. So, want to learn something new? Join this hackathon.

Sign up now

If you are joining Meet Magento NL, then you can't miss this opportunity to join the hackathon as well. Check out the following link for details:

Posted on October 12, 2023

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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