Deploying Magento involves a lot of different steps that are hard to keep track off at first. This is why we automate things. But which tools are best? Hypernode and Yireo are organizing a meetup to address this. And you are invited.
The meetup: Friday, February 7th
The meetup is going to be organized at the Hypernode office in Amsterdam (Netherlands), Friday afternoon, February 7th. The program is packed with interesting talks. This is definitely for the novice (because a novice should learn everything) but also for the experienced people. And we've got a good program to facilitate everyone.
Speakers and talks
While I have the honour to kick things off with a brief introduction to deployment in general, I personally feel that my real talk is only towards the end.
Peter Jaap Blaakmeer (Elgentos) follows up with a talk on DeployerPHP. He is the maintainer of the Magento 2 recipee in this deployment tool and therefore, the right man to talk customizing the recipee for your own purpose.
Next up, is Timon de Groot (Hypernode) to talk about their version of DeployerPHP (if I'm saying it correctly): Hypernode Deploy. So that all DeployerPHP tasks that are Hypernode-specific are already dealt with.
Next, Peter Jaap and Timon join forces to talk about Brancher, which allows you to quickly deploy towards various environents instead of just the static staging/production duo. With this, you are benefiting fully from automated deployment.
Finally, I'm grabbing the mic again to talk about Blue Green Deployment, a feature in Magento that could bring true zero-downtime deployment. Even when you are not dealing with database upgrades. But there's a caveat.
Big chances that you are going to be told something new, so if you are not coming, you are missing out.
What about CI/CD?
If you talk about deployment and you talk about safely going through steps to guarantee that deployment always goes as expected, then you're talking CI/CD. But we'll keep that for another time.
Join us in Amsterdam on February 7th
We hope you are able to join us in Amsterdam on February 7th.
Read more and sign up:
Fat chance that you do not know everything about Magento deployment yet
About the author

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.