
Hyvä Checkout course

Training in a better Magento checkout

Training in a better Magento checkout

After the success of Hyvä Themes, we now have the Hyvä Checkout - a fresh MageWire-based checkout mechanism, extensible, flexible and much more. However, new tech also requires a learning curve. With our course, you can shorten that curve and get started quickly.


Hours of video





Jisse Reitsma

Your teacher Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the developer of 60+ Magento extensions and has given technical Magento trainings for years. Besides his ability to understand complex technology, he is skilled in making this knowledge understandable for everyone. With him, you can expect in-to-depth guidance plus lots of practical tips. Jisse is the mastermind of MageTestFest, Reacticon and MageUnconference and former Magento Master.

Pick your On-Demand Magento video course

And you can start right away

On-Demand Preview
(USD 0)
No strings attached
  • Access to 14 preview lessons
  • More than 145+ minutes of video
  • Student notes where available
  • Free access before diving in full
On-Demand Solo
(USD 281)
per year per individual
  • Full access to this course
  • More than 10+ hours of video
  • Student notes of 287+ pages
  • Learn at your own pace
On-Demand Bulk
(USD 1355)
per year per individual
  • Access to 93+ hours of Magento courses
  • Student notes of 4949+ pages
  • Ideal if you want to grasp everything

Or go for a teacher-led session

Because everyone has different needs

Live Training
See our schedule below
  • Everything under On-Demand Standard
  • Instructor-led classroom
  • Benefit from a real-time interaction
  • Ask any question that you have
per training per agency
  • Everything under On-Demand Standard
  • Economical for groups of 5 and more
  • Freely debate company-specific topics
  • On-site at your company office
per training per agency
  • Everything under On-Demand Standard
  • Ideal for online or hybrid teams
  • Recordings available afterwards
  • Online via Zoom, Teams or similar

Schedule for live training

Jul 29, 2024 - Jul 30, 2024
Hyvä Checkout Development
Online via Zoom
Oct 28, 2024 - Oct 29, 2024
Hyvä Checkout Development

Do these dates not fit you well? Do you want to switch to another language?
Feel free to contact us to see what other options there might be.

Magento training topics

Explore your topics of choice

This course has been updated for compatibility with Hyvä Themes 1.3, Magewire 11 and Magento 2.4.7

Watch a preview now

See for yourself

Course introduction
Meet Hyvä
Hyvä and checkouts

Or browse through all lessons in our courseware portal

We are constantly updating our courseware, but the following is a real-life snapshot
Course introduction free 03m 03s
Meet Hyvä free 04m 31s
Hyvä and checkouts free 05m 20s
Hyvä Checkout free 04m 33s
Requirements for this course free 03m 35s
Magewire first
Hyvä Checkout installation free 08m 03s
Configuring Hyvä Checkout free 07m 59s
Create a custom Hyvä Theme free 06m 38s
Customize styling 19m 29s
Debugging MageWire 02m 29s
Using the LiveWire DevTools 05m 03s
Hyva Checkout architecture overview 05m 24s
The XML layout of Hyva Checkout 06m 42s
Blocks, ViewModels and Components 06m 47s
Steps and step evaluation 10m 00s
Conditions 04m 06s
Customizing things 03m 54s
Something went wrong 01m 20s
JavaScript events in checkout 03m 09s
Magento observable events 07m 24s
MageWire events 04m 47s
Modifying form fields in the Admin 03m 46s
Additional EAV shipping address field free 13m 16s
Registering a form modifier 15m 07s
Common actions in form modifiers 08m 31s
Form events 01m 54s
Example: Changing Tailwind classes 09m 52s
Creating new fields 12m 27s
Form components
Magewiring the address
Checkout progress bar
Reordering steps in the checkout 20m 07s
Additional step in the checkout 26m 28s
In-store pickup 18m 43s
Payment methods
Course introduction
About Magewire
What is MageWire? free 06m 10s
Requirements for this course
My Development Setup free 04m 53s
Magewire installation free 05m 25s
Troubleshooting MageWire installation
Example module with MageWire free 11m 48s
Binding handlers 12m 31s
Magewire with lists 14m 38s
Modifiers for binding handlers 23m 20s
wire:select modifier 06m 03s
Example counter with MageWire 08m 00s
Example counter with MageWire (advanced) 10m 02s
Magewire being dirty 04m 58s
Example: Switch the block template 18m 58s
Magewiring forms 14m 00s
Magic actions 09m 42s
Add Hyva styling to your component 24m 41s
Initializing content via wire:init 07m 58s
How MageWire loads data 07m 51s
MageWire HTTP calls 16m 22s
Component classes 15m 32s
MageWire, ViewModel or Block? 02m 50s
Combining MageWire with Alpine 29m 22s
Component hooks 09m 17s
Client-side hooks 04m 26s
Events and listeners 16m 39s
JavaScript events 04m 20s
Magento events 11m 34s
Different events, different scenarios 03m 09s
The Magewire JavaScript object
Hydrators 13m 05s
Nesting components 11m 24s
Nesting components with the same class 06m 56s
Strong typing and Magewire 08m 32s
Dom Diffing issues
A product finder based on Magewire free 00m 07s
Adding Magewire to the minicart

These videos are available as an On-Demand video training (with notes). See the pricing for details.

This course has been updated for compatibility with Hyvä Themes 1.3, Magewire 11 and Magento 2.4.7
Target group

Target group

  • Webdesigners
  • Frontend developers
  • Programmers
Structured training measured my general knowledge of e-commerce and Magento is verbal. Goal achieved!
Erwin de Groot (Vendic)

We are a Hyvä Partner

Yireo has been a partner of Hyvä since day 1

We have worked together with Hyvä since the beginning - brainstorms on a React Checkout, promotions via Reacticon and obviously our training program being focused on Hyvä. We are proud to be an official Hyvä Partner.

Visit the Hyvä Partners listing


  • Expert in HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Solid in Magento XML layout and PHTML templating
  • Skilled in Magento backend including DI configuration and modules
  • Knowledge of Hyva Themes is a big benefit (including Alpine and TailwindCSS)

These are the options we give you

At your place or ours?

Everyone learns at her/his own pace. We provide both in-house training and public training throughout Europe - whatever suits your team best. When 3 or more developers are attending, a custom training is often more economical. Contact us for more details.

You'll get courseware

Every workshop is accompanied with official Yireo coursematerial. Attendees are sent a digital version of this material after the training. It contains slides, comments and references. Additionally, our GitHub repos contain numerous more code samples.

Online classrooms

Online trainings are also our training: Via Zoom or Google Hangout sessions, our teacher is able to connect with your team. The benefit here is that the team is able to connect from various places itself as well, timeframes are more flexible. Afterwards, a video recording will be shared with all attendees for reference.

On-demand self-paced training

This training is also available as an On-Demand training: Via numerous video lessons, including accompanying student notes (equalling a book on their own), you'll learn about the topics in your own pace. And when you bump into questions, you can fall back to the teachers guidance.

As a newcomer to the Magento world, the Magento academy has given me a solid foundation for Magento 2. I benefit greatly from this in my daily work as a Frontend Developer. In addition, lunch was always well taken care of and you did not lack anything during the training sessions!
Kevin de Bie (MaxServ)

Customer quotes

Jisse gives cool training courses that you can put to good use in practice. Besides being informative, it is also fun to listen to. Roy van Os (Active Ants)
I have made use of Yireo its full range of both on-demand courses as well as classroom courses during my development career. Yireo its courses provide me with just that extra that no other courses have yet been able to: the encouragement to think outside the box. Isolde van Oosterhout (Sols Webdesign)
Even when you think you know a few things about Magento, Jisse still manages to tell you about useful details that you never thought about. Ruben Zuidervaart (Epartment)
Read more quotes of our customers

Yireo could be the right partner for you

We have trained 5000+ developers in numerous disciplines since 2005

  • Professional training at affordable prices
  • Truely active with numerous open source projects in the community
  • Trainings, bootcamps, hackathons, events
  • Passionate, enthousiastic, knowledgable in the right combination

Some of the customers that we have trained in the past years

See a more complete listing of our customers

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a minimum number of attendees listed. What does this mean?

The training is only held as a physical classroom when there is a minimum number of attendees. This number is usually 4 but sometimes we bring this down to 2 or 3. This minimum number simply means that if a class is not "full", either you get a refund or your ticket is transferred to another date. With On-Demand courses (video courses), this number is not applicable.