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Our latest articles on Magento, Shopware, Vue, React and much more

Meet Magento NL 2023 and a hackathon
October 12, 2023
Meet Magento NL is approaching fast: On November 2nd, we - as a Magento community - are joining together in Amsterdam for a great day of content, mixing and fun. And the day before (November 1st), developers can unite with a hackathon.

Magento 2 AdditionalBlockTemplate
October 8, 2023
If you override any PHTML template, the legacy of your theme goes up: More to maintain. Because of this, we should strive for as less code duplication as possible. The Yireo AdditionalBlockTemplate module might offer part of that solution.

Removing Shopware JS plugins for real
October 1, 2023
The Shopware 6.5 storefront ships with almost 500Kb of JavaScript. And this is due to a large set of JS plugins of which some might not be needed in your shop. What about removing some of it? Here is a neat Webpack trick that allows you to do just that.

A Magento 2 ThemeOverrideChecker
September 29, 2023
Upgrading Magento themes can be horrible at times, especially when overrides were added too easily in the past. To lighten the workload, I have created a Yireo_ThemeOverrideChecker CLI that helps you judge the nature of those overrides.

Shopware hackathon on October 6th
September 22, 2023
On Friday, October 6th 2023, Yireo is organizing a hackathon focused on Shopware 6 development. Fancy learning about Shopware? Frustrated with the lack of specific features? Get your hands in there and join us for a coding exercise.

Small little Shopware utilities
September 18, 2023
For the past 3 years I have been diving into Shopware development. And while collaborating in projects, developing plugins and creating courseware, I have been slowly creating more and more utilities that are simply handy for development.

Magento composer replace tool improved
September 12, 2023
The composer replacements managed by Yireo have gotten a face-lift. Well, actually not the replacements themselves, but the way to apply them to your project: Meet the composer replacement tool: A composer plugin with its own replace
CLI to help you manage things.

Module dependencies with catalog inventory or MSI
September 6, 2023
Ages ago, with Magento 2.3.0, the Multi Source Inventory (MSI) solution was presented to the Magento community, offering a solid solution for a shop that was spreading its inventory across multiple warehouses. With that, the original catalog inventory was deprecated. Still, many are using the original solution. The problem is choice.

Agency packages for Yireo On-Demand courses
August 29, 2023
We have been offering video courses for a few years now. The amount of videos is slowly increasing (nearing the 100 hours worth of videos). And the demand for these courses is also increasing. Time to also offer bulk packages for agencies, that want to educate all of their developers.